Summer school 2017: "Migration and the protection of individual and social rights in the european and south american perspectives"
The Department of Legal and Social Studies of the University "G. d’Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, with the support of the Scuola Superiore G. d’Annunzio, and the Universidad Federal De SERGIPE organizes a Summer School ( on the theme: "Migration and the Protection of Individual and Social Rights in the European and South American Perspectives". The will be held in Pescara (V.le Pindaro, 42) between 11th and 13th September 2017. English is the official language.
Each day and/or half day is devoted to a specific perspective of the common topic. The following disciplines are involved: Philosophy and Theory of Law; Public International Law and European Union Law; Constitutional Law; Public and Labour Law (including European Labour law), Private Law and Tax law.
Distinguished legal scholars and experts from different European countries and Brasil will offer lectures and talks, while younger scholars will be holding case study presentations. General discussion and question sessions will be encouraged throughout the
The Summer School is suitable for PhD students, young researchers, postgraduate students and legal practitioners.
The attendance is free.